11th of November 2022

09:30 AM - 01:30 PM




  • Access to a mobile, tablet or computer

  • Quiet Room

  • Total commitment

  • Print the workbook or access digital version


Learn how to quickly grow your business and get help to account with your actions.

This business growth group provides the essential tools to catapult your business. Hosted by our highly skilled coaches who guide you to an action plan built for massive results!

This is a FREE service for committed micro-business owners who are exhausted wearing all the hats and stifling growth.

This is a one-time only offer and on a first-come first-served basis.



The £10 deposit will be refunded upon completion of the Business Growth session.


Each Yellow Mastermind brings you POWER:

Productivity and Energy

You have a team working with you on your business. This brings its own energy that flows through you, enabling you to become more confident and productive.

You will achieve more collectively than you could on your own.

Outstanding Direction and Focus

More than just a network, the Mastermind focuses on your business. You will become crystal clear on the direction you need to take to grow faster, more methodically and efficiently.

Wealth-building Brainstorming

A fascinating phenomenon is created when multiple minds come together to generate ideas for a common goal. A new Master Mind comes alive that generates a higher level of thinking and awareness.

Exceptional Coaching for Personal and Business Growth

The members in the Yellow Mastermind group not only support your business growth... but also your personal growth. Your business will never outgrow the level of thinking that you bring to it.

If you don’t grow, nor will your business.

Results driven Accountability

Many times, collaborative projects are born in the Mastermind. New ventures, new services, new products and new income streams. The Mastermind exists to create sustainable success for all its members.


Bringing a community of 4 small business owners together over Zoom, following a guided process of opening up your mind and expanding your thinking.

A workbook will be shared ahead of the session commencing - print it out or access the online version.

No other preparations are required.

This session will last no more than 4 hours.


It's not the end of our relationship, it's the beginning of a bright future.

You meet with your host one month later as an accountability session. We care for your growth and commitment to yourself.

This session will last no more than 30 minutes.

We look forward to welcoming you on your transformational growth journey.

The Yellow Mastermind Team



This mastermind includes:

  • 4 business owners

  • Guided masterminding

  • Results-driven accountability

  • Coaching

  • Reflection and action planning

Meet Your Host, Simon Rigby

Simon has started, run and sold a number of businesses over his career. Since he sold his last business he has spent his time coaching/advising/consulting/mentoring/ brain storming with nearly 100 SMEs.

He loves the work he does and bringing success to his clients. Always succinct, to the point and delivered with good humour.

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